Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Lladro 01001492 THREE SISTERS


Weight 8.09 lb
Finished Gloss
Height (in): 13.78
Width (in): 13.386
Length (in): 13.78
Sculptor José Puche
LE 3000 units

Limited series porcelain glossy sculpture of three Rococo ladies with umbrellas made of lace and tulle with funny little doggie that catches their attention.

From a simple anecdote - a dog attracts the attention of three ladies - the sculptor has created a composition that is baroque yet perfectly balanced. One of the achievements of this work is its successful harmonization of the three young women characters, their three umbrellas and their wide skirts blowing in the wind. The result is a piece that offers the viewer a number of viewpoints, all of them equally delightful.

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