Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Lladro 01009716 Sita Golden Luster


Weight (lb) 2.183
Finished Matte and gold luster
Height (in) 11.417
Width (in) 3.15
Length (in) 3.15
Sculptor Raul Rubio

Sculpture of the mythical Hindu character Sita made in matte porcelain and golden luster.

Sita and her husband Rama are the main characters in a legendary love story that forms part of Ramayana, one of the great epics of ancient India. In this creation, Sita is portrayed according to traditional Hindu iconography. Matte white porcelain was chosen for the piece in order to enhance the sculptural details while the minutely detailed ornamentation recreates the wealth of the fabrics, jewelry and headdress. Golden luster, chosen as the sole decoration, further highlights the details against the white backdrop.

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